Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Blog Assignemnt #20: Beginning the Great Gatsby

The narrartor is Nick Carraway. His family is rich, yet he is not. he moves to New York to try and strike it rich as a bondsman. He lives next to Jay Gatsby in the East Egg. So far, I can tell he is kind of oblivious to the ways of the very rich, and he likes to joke. His sarcasm shines through in many different situations. He seems like a fair and trustworthy person from the first chapter.

I think that having someone who is in the middle of the two Eggs allows the reader to get a perspective on both sides, with no bias. If Fitzgerald were to choose Tom Buchanan, for example, his biases and personality would overpower the novel. By choosing a neutral character, the reader is able to get the full view.


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