Monday, November 2, 2009

Blog Assignment #19: Critique a Professional Example

I think the lighting is the most successful element of this piece. While you can't really have true lighting in a painting, the way the artist uses shading is very well done.

I don't really know if there is an intended message, but there is definitely an intended feeling. You can tell by the dark colors that the artist intends for the viewer to feel fear.

This piece isn't necessarily too graphic or too scary for children, yet it could easily appeal to adults. I think this work is just for anyone who wants to take a look.

All of the colors and the way they contrast mix very well to create that feeling of fear or foreboding. The character design is interesting as well.

One of the techniques used in this artwork is contrasting colors. The artist uses light and dark colors to convey his theme and the emotion of the work.

I chose this sample because I like this artist. He consistently produces interesting and strange art that I enjoy.


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